House in Belas Clube de Campo

Sintra, Portugal

2019 - 2020

Project Date

Intervention Area: 918 M²
Implantation Area: 226 M²
Construction Area: 320 M²

Project Team
José Martinez | Inês Mota

Project Description
The layout of this house seeks to synthesize the sensation conveyed by "inhabiting" the terrain and the essence of the place. The landscaping work, the platform, the courtyards, the mix of light and shadow, the different levels, and the materiality are assumed as references of the project. The platform, and the resulting grid from the grass grids, characterize this construction, simultaneously sheltering it.

There is harmony between the materials present inside and out. There is a connection that is strengthened by the presence of vegetation. Spaces are hierarchically distributed, and the courtyards and openings precisely focus on the landscaping work present, making them pleasent and rewarding spaces to enjoy the house.